So up until now I've had the job at the Science Centre which I left cause we were moving, and then the job at The Body Shop which I left cause I hated. I'm pretty well known as a 'job slut' whereby I only stay at one place for around a year and then move on. The longest I have ever stayed in one job was 2 1/2 years, and it nearly KILLED me, but now on the other side i'd go back there in a heartbeat and actually really miss the work and the people.
Anyway back to the point we had just moved into our new place and it wasn't fair to D to be doing all the work plus overtime and me doing nothing. Not just that but it wasn't fair to me either because I didn't come all the way to Canada to be a stay at home housewife which is what I was turning into. Well.... that and Kim Kardashians most avid watcher with the new recording device on the TV I was watching her TV show re-runs from the moment I woke to the moment D walked through the door.
I was flipping through the paper and came across a part time receptionist position in town 2 1/2 days a week... Well it was better than nothing so I emailed my resume and got a request for interview almost instantly. It was for a fine furniture company and when I walked through the doors I instantly felt like this was somewhere I not only could work, but wanted to. The people were just all so nice and the boss seemed very impressed by the mere fact I was Australian.
The next day I got the call, yes they wanted me... Wooooo hooo! I started work on the 21st December and although the job itself is tedious at times, it's doing work that I enjoy (ie sitting on facebook and blogging hehe) and I get to wear cute office clothes that make me feel good about myself not hideous oversized unisex uniforms the other places wanted me to wear.
All in all, very happy with the job so far however one problem is that we don't currently have a vehicle and on the days I work there is no bus scheduled so I am relying on lifts from my awesome co-workers (covering my ass if any of them happen upon this blog). One morning the lift fell through and I had to walk 45 mins in -20 while my legs felt as if they were being stabbed at all ankles and my nose may as well have fallen off because I couln't feel it attached to my face!
Hopefully this situation will change in the near future though as D and I have both agreed a car, although expensive, will make our experience here much more enjoyable as we can take small trips on out 3 day weekends together and really explore our new surroundings.
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