Monday, 25 February 2013

I'm shocked.... Literally

My clothes have been tightly clinging to me recently (not due to weight gain - this time anyway) and my hair is constantly standing on end. Every time I go to open a door, pick something up and wash my hands I get stung. It was funny at first but now it's really pissing me off. My favourite new saying is 'Oh Fuck!'... Ok that's a favourite old saying of mine but i''m using it now more than I ever did, if that's possible!

Ever since we moved here I've been getting shocked and zapped something chronic... The culprit - static electricity.

In winter back home we tend to get this a little and i'm usually only affected by it with my hair clinging to my face for a few days but this is just ridiculous! It's an awful feeling - every day without fail i'm getting shocked multiple times and it's actually made me fear turning a door knob!

Apparently dry air is a better conductor of electricity, and due to the fact it's much drier here than in Australia, matched with the bitter cold that draws even more moisture out of the air, I really have no chance of avoiding it. So i'm off today to buy some anti static spray which will hopefully alleviate the problem because i'm over it!

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